Dreams are dangeurous

This expresses only an opinion, a reflection.

Dreaming is dangerous, and we don't realize its dangers until we dive deep into them and become great dreamers, like me.

When I decided to become a singer, while living in Caracas, I was very troubled and full of doubts about how I was going to earn a living as a musician and how to take the necessary steps to achieve it, so I went to a psychologist.

I told her about my current situation along with my past as an employee in a Human Resources department, which concentrated my first years of work experience.

His advice was very emphatic: "you have a tendency towards fantasy, I do not know any person who is successful as a musician, (then he retracted and remembered a person), reconcile with your human resourses career".

I left her office with a sensation that squeaked throughout my body, in short, she had suggested that I stop with the music, because that was the product of my fantasies.

Dreams are dangerous when you don't have the maturity to go for them, because they have a high cost. They cost money, and a lot, if you have it. If don´t, it costs so much of you, that later on you'll transform so much that you'll hardly know yourself.

Dreams are dangerous because they come from mental constructions by society, what most people dream can end up being your dream and you can go the wrong way, if you don't have discernment about your own being, about what your heart really wants .

You can dream about something so much, want it so much, and when it comes, it does not fill you, and this is dangerous, because it can sink you, or make you run after another "dream" simply so as not to feel useless, to achieve a purpose.

Or you can settle, because if you have started the search for a desire, and you know what that costs, you will reach a point where perhaps you will not be satisfied but you decide to stay at that point so as not to force more, at least not to lose what that you already have. Or you can transform, but be prepared, you will never be the same, the transformation is constant.

A dream has to come from a very deep space, a lot of self-awareness, a lot of walking, a lot of experience, self-esteem, a lot of testing, a lot of discovering. Something I wrote a few days ago on Facebook: "I want to work today for what I will want in one, three, five or ten years."

And here is a key point about dreams:

they require time,

and we want everything now.

For all of those dreamers, I want to give you some advice:

Set your dream a date, and save it in a space of your mind that does not disturb. Remember it from time to time, remember that date, (preferably with plenty of margin), and put it in the background of your concience.

If you are not willing to give your dream space, if you are not going to want that stupid desire in about three years, it is because you do not really want it. If so, discard it completely and get on with your life. Remember that going for a dream is an expensive process, and if it's not what you really want, you will have wasted your time.

Another reason why dreams are dangerous is that when we focus only on them, we fail to fully appreciate the surprises of life, for example:

how many situations, jobs, people, places have you experienced by mere chance that have been most gratifying, fun, well paid, wonderful and totally diferent of what you were planning in your mind?

The danger of dreaming is that it makes us believe that we have to be in control of all our life, and the truth is that we all live in ignorance, even the scholars, they are ignorant and very aware of it, which they even manage to use in its favor.

About me?

I do not come from a family of artists, my parents are retired teachers from a company where they worked all their lives, my paternal grandfather, who I don't remember meeting, was a musician. If music is in the genes, my brothers and I are a jump backwards because the three of us have been in contact with music, but only I decided to dedicate myself to it. I dreamed that I do what I love, to be more myself, more creative. A human resources department couldn't give me that at that time.

The dream came true, and also de bills.

One day I thought that I would give anything to be a musician, and so it was, I literaly gave everything, I gave my heart and soul every time I sang a song, and everybody loved me for it, but what did I get in return?

So dreams are dangerous, and I do not say this because I feel bad for having followed my dream, but because dreaming belongs to children, and making them come true requires responsible adults.

Herein lies the balance.

